Blog: The South Paw Says

10 Simple Ways to Show Your Love
Recognizing your partner’s needs and concerns is integral to sustain a healthy, happy relationship. Saying “I love you” is great, but showing “I love you,” really gets the point across. Small selfless acts, like the ones listed below, go a long way to showing you care.

Limiting Beliefs
There are so many tiny victories along the path to our audacious goals. I have been creating jewelry since 1997. Mainly my work between 1997 until 2014 was beaded creations however, I always gasped in amazement at metalsmithed pieces.

Ocean Jasper Necklace and the 27 amendments
For the past month, I have been working on this ocean Jasper necklace for 2019 The Mix art show. The show is a wonderful collection of Toledo talent. The theme this year is 1919. I created this necklace with the theme in mind. It features blush wire wrapped freshwater pearls and an ocean Jasper set centerpiece.

Rebecca Louise Law and the Toledo Museum of Art save summer
It's summertime and we simply need to get out of the house. Days are running together and weekends mean nothing when we are in full summer mode. Fornite is running the roost with my boys and their friends and this mom is done!!!

5 Steps to a Successful Etsy Shop
First let me start out by saying there is a learning curve and a boat load of trial and error to find out what works best for your brand and target market. I am going to refer to some core basics of what worked for my Etsy shops, pick and choose what you feel is best to implement for your Etsy shop and run with it! Read more...